- A New Era
- Ace
- Acrobat
- Adena Morningstar
- Adranus
- Alexandria Torres
- Alke
- Andrea Fawn
- Angel
- Animal men
- Anubians
- Aquagirl (Atlanta Curry)
- Aqualad (Heroes of the Future)
- Aquaman (Young Justice:Fight to the Death)
- Arbiter
- Arc
- Arctica
- Arms
- Arsen
- Arsen Yellow Trailer
- Arsenal: The spin-off
- Arsenal (Outlaws)
- Arsenal (Young Justice: Fight to the Death)
- Artemis (Heroes of the Future)
- Asterope
- Astro
- Azure Enterprises
- Back to the Future
- Bat Family Legacy
- Batgirl (Heroes of the Future)
- Batgirl xx
- Batman
- Batman (Chapter)
- Batman (Heroes of the Future)
- Batman (disambiguation)
- Beast Boy
- Beast Boy (Heroes of the Future)
- Beer Santa
- Beta
- Beta Data
- Beulah Bleak
- Bheithir
- Big Dick Tim
- Black Bird
- Black Manta (Young Justice: Fight to the Death)
- Black Panther
- Black and White
- Blackout
- Blackpine
- Blacktip
- Blade
- Blast
- Blink
- Blue Beetle (Young Justice: Fight to the Death)
- Boost
- Brandon Lee
- Brine
- Brisance
- Brotherhood
- Brotherhood of Eternal Hatred
- Bruce Wayne (disambiguation)
- C.O.N.T.R.O.L.
- Cadfael
- Cairna
- Candi West
- Captain America
- Carrol (Cyan)
- Carter
- Carter Lorren
- Castiel
- Catwoman
- Chad Holland
- Chaotic Being
- Cheshire (Young Justice: Fight to the Death)
- Cicada
- Clover Quarta
- Clyde Weatherly
- Cobalt Fury
- Cobalt Juggernaut
- Cobalt Paladin
- Cobalt Shooter
- Cobalt Sniper
- Connor Lance
- Controller
- Copper Claw
- Crashing The Party
- Create Your Own Super Hero!!!
- Crim
- Cupid
- Cyborg
- Cynn
- Cyra
- DR. frankly
- Daemon
- Damian Wayne
- Dante
- Dark Angel
- Dark Archer
- Dark Blade
- Dark crusader
- David Phan
- Dawn
- Deadshot (The Missing Files)
- Deadstrike
- Deathstar
- Defected Page (Ignore)
- Delsin
- Desmond Snyder
- Devilman
- Don't Look Into the Light, Part 1
- Draconian
- Dragonfly
- Drastic
- Dysy
- Earth-25
- Edward the Blue Engine
- Elaina
- Elite Squadron
- Emphasis
- Endpoint
- Eris
- Ethereal
- Family Ties
- Ferr'ahl
- Fire And Ice
- Fire Earthshaker
- Firestorm
- Firestormblaze
- Flamebird
- Fly boy
- Forchun
- Fox Face
- Frezia Empire
- Gabriel Thawne (Young Justice: Slow Lightning)
- Gai
- Gateway (Character)
- Girl Lantern
- Glacier
- Grackle
- Grave
- Green Arrow (Heroes of the Future)
- Green Shadow (The Missing Files)
- Green and Gold
- Griger
- Grimmel the Grisly
- Grip Lass
- Gryphon
- Guardian Angel
- Harrow
- Hawkgirl (Titana Hall)
- Heath
- Heather Burton
- Helen Gale
- Hermès (Mike)
- Heroes the evil within
- Hisui
- Hoodlum
- Hulk
- Hummingbird
- Hunters
- Illusion
- Immortus
- In Your Dreams Part I
- Inner Daemon
- Iris 'Irey' West
- Iron Man
- Jai West
- Jane Roberson
- Jared Chase
- Jason May
- Jason Todd
- Jim Jordan
- Johnny Rider
- Jugger-Bot
- Justice Juniors
- Justice League (Earth-25)
- Kaira Lorren
- Kana Wescot
- Kane
- Kari Weiss
- Karman
- Kat
- Kaze
- Key
- Kid Flash
- Kid Flash (Heroes of the Future)
- Killer Brass
- Kloud
- Knights of justice
- Knights of justice epsiode
- Knights of justice league
- Koda
- Kyle Rayner (Heroes of the Future)
- L,goon
- Lagoon Man (Young Justice: Fight to the Death)
- Lagoon boy
- Legends (Series)
- Legends (Team)
- Leviathan
- Lian Harper
- Light and Dark
- Lightnig Dove
- Limbo Town
- List of episodes in Young Justice (Rob's version)
- Lithe
- Lloyd hunter
- Luna
- Lunacy
- Lux
- Luxa
- Lycoan Pictures Girl
- Lynn Sanders
- M.I.A. (Missing In Action)
- Mae Lee
- Marauders
- Margaret Holland
- Marth
- Match
- Mavis Donners
- Meta-Human Nomad Society
- Midway
- Mimic Girl
- Miranda Weatherly
- Miss Martian
- Miss Martian (Apocalypse)
- Miss Martian (Heroes of the Future)
- Mistech
- Mordru
- Morph
- Ms. Colossal
- My Justice League and Young Justice nominees for the show
- Mystical Energy
- Mẹ (Mom)
- Natalie
- Nemesis
- Nero
- New Beginning
- New Member
- Next Generation of Young Justice
- Nightmare
- Nightwing
- Nightwing (Alternate)
- Nightwing (Young Justice: Fight to the Death)
- Onslaught
- Out of Lights Reach
- Overlord
- Owen Lance
- Owl Girl
- Pawn
- Pegasus
- Phase
- Phoenix
- Phoenix/Quotes
- Photon (Character)
- Pitch Black
- Plans
- Position
- Powerhouse
- Project V
- Rachni
- Rage
- Rampart
- Rath
- Raven
- React
- Recruited
- Red Arrow (Young Justice: Fight to the Death)
- Red Beetle
- Red Canary
- Red Hood(Outlaws)
- Red Hood (The Missing Files)
- Red Inferno
- Red Torpedo
- Red and Blue
- Return
- Reverend Paine
- Reverse-Flash
- Revival
- Rift Incorporated
- Rising Falcon (Character)
- Rising Falcon (Episode)
- Ritsu
- Robin (Bethany Crock West)
- Robin (Chapter)
- Robin (Heroes of the Future)
- Robin (Rob Macaroni)
- Robin (YJQ)
- RoboGirl
- Roc
- Roze
- Ryand'r (Firestar)
- SJ Crozier
- SaberX
- Safety
- Sammy Marvell
- Sandra Phan
- Savage
- Savitar (Young Justice: Slow Lightning)
- Scarecrow
- Scarecrow (Alternate)
- Scorbion
- Secret Meeting
- Secrets
- Shadow
- Shadowforce
- Shard
- Silence
- Silverbolt
- Skunk Boy
- Slash (The Missing Files)
- Smith's Academy
- Solaran
- Solomon Grundy
- Sparrow
- Speed Force
- Spider-Man
- Spider Man
- Starfire
- Steel Fist (The Missing Files)
- Stigma
- Sun Lady (Character)
- Sun Lady (Episode)
- Super boy's brother
- Superboy (Heroes of the Future)
- Superman
- Superman (Heroes of the Future)
- Superman (Young Justice: Curse of Superman)
- Superman (Young Justice: Fight to the Death)
- SwordsMan
- Swordsman
- Tame
- Tao Fang
- Tasmanien Tiger
- Techno Boy
- Terra Rose
- Terras
- The "Joker"
- The Academy
- The Arrow Legacy
- The Avengers
- The Colonel
- The Flash Legacy
- The Gorgons
- The Justice League